The EUPHOREA (European Prehospital Research Alliance) group is an informal network of European researchers aiming at promoting research in pre-hospital critical care.

The group assembled for the first time at Torpo, Norway in the spring of 2011 during a consensus meeting on research priorities in pre-hospital critical care. The output of this meeting is available as an open-access publication at

The EUPHOREA network has further strengthened their position in subsequent meetings in several locations throughout Europe and will continue meeting for even more eager and enthusiastic discussions and presentations in the years to come.

The EUPHOREA group is administratively supported by the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation and includes today researchers from 15 European countries. The group is open to all European researchers within this field.

Currently there are several ongoing multicenter and multinational research projects in various stages of development; links to these projects are provided on this page.

Upcoming meeting